4月中は無事土曜日のための体育館確保が出来ました! そして、今月からトーン・ギブソンコーチが現場へ復帰します! ハラルドコーチは休息を取りながら来れる時に体育館に顔をお出しする予定です。
今月の回数プランにつきましては従来通りとなります: >3回ブラン(¥6、000) >6回ブラン(¥8、000) >無制限プラン(¥12、000)
また、ご興味のありそうなお友達がいらっしゃいましたら是非ご紹介下さい!あまり良く知られていないと思いますが、お友達をご紹介すると特別な割引があります!ご紹介をされる際は一度お問い合わせください!o(^ ^)o
その名は、「JUST US : Women's Academy」です!
このクラスは女子限定のバスケアカデミーになります。 今まで「男子と練習がしにくい」と思ったり、「女子に特化したトレーニングやスキル」を学びたい選手が居たと思います。今回はそのニーズに応え、ギブソンコーチを中心にスキルワークを行います。参加料金はお試し期間中無料で参加可能です。
「JUST US」トレーニングの参加申し込みにつきましては近日フォームを作成しますのでそちらからお申し込み下さい。あるいは、elitusacademy@gmail.comへ必ずお問い合わせ下さい。
エリータスバスケットボールアカデミー 代表 栗野 譲
Hi Everyone!
We are now announcing Elitus Academy’s Group Skills Training calendar for April.
We are able to securing the gyms for Saturday practices during April! Also, Coach Tone Gibson is back starting this month! Coach Harold will be taking a break off, and will be in the gym when he can.
The monthly plans are the same as usual: >3-Time Plan(¥6,000) >6-Time Plan(¥8,000) >Unlimited Plan(¥12,000)
Elitus has a 1-time free practice viewing, and 1 free trial lesson for all new inquiries. Please take this time to give Elitus' basketball lessons a try. Also, if you have any friends that may be interested, please let them know. Not many know but we at Elitus provide discounts for players that bring a friend! If you would like to bring a friend, please contact us! o(^ ^)o
Lastly, we will host a new, trial class for April.
The name is “JUST US : Women's Academy” !
The theme is 、”An Academy just for us”.
This class will be a basketball academy limited only for female players. I am sure there have been players that found it ‘hard to participate with males’, or wanted a class where they could perform training and skills that are ‘specific to female players’. We have put together this class to answer those needs, and Coach Gibson will lead the workouts. The workouts are free during the trial period.
I will be putting out a promotion for the “JUST US” training in the coming days, along with a sign-up form. You can also contact elitusacademy@gmail.com if you are interesting in registering.
The State of Emergency status has be rescinding in both the National Capital area and Okinawa but there is still a high risk of COVID rebounding. It is still too soon to relax.
Tough times will still most likely continue, but we ask for your continued support!
Jo Kurino Executive Director, Elitus Basketball Academy
==================== お問い合わせ / CONTACT US: ==================== www.elitusacademy.com elitusacademy@gmail.com tel: (050)5532-9245