2月20日(土)、兼久勤労体育館でエリータスアカデミーのクラブチーム、ELITUS OKINAWAの体験練習会、「OPEN PRACTICE」を実施致します。現在各種チームで新しいメンバーを10名ほど募集しています。
しかし、2月20日(土)の参加につきましてはコロナ禍を考慮し、お申し込みをされた方の中から先着20名までの参加のみと限らせて頂きます。3月中にもOPEN PRACTICEイベントを実施する予定です。
Elitus Academy’s club team, ELITUS OKINAWA will be hosting an OPEN PRACTICE event at Kaneku Gymnasium on Saturday, February 20h. We are currently seeking 10 new players for each of our age categories. Any players at the U-15 and U-18 age level that are interested in playing for playing a club team are WELCOME!
We have decided that we will not host official tryouts; thus allowing for incumbent players to remain with the team. If you participate in the open practice and our coaches like what they like, you are eligible to play for us! Participation in this open practice is Free.
In order to practice social distancing during the COVID pandemic, we are only the first 20 players that inquiries to participate. We are also planning to host another OPEN PRACTICE even during March.
If you are interested in participating, please contact below:
Subect:OPEN PRACTICE participation
*If you are under SOFA status, we will allow for a different arrangement in order to follow COVID restriction policy.